SIMIODE EXPO 2024 Abstract Submission
Conference Dates: Feb 9th-11th, 2024 (Friday - Sunday)
Event Information: 

Abstracts may be submitted through 11:59 PM ET (US), Feb 1 2024. Acceptance and posting of sessions will be finalized shortly after the deadline.

Please note all presenters of accepted abstracts are required to register for this conference through the event website. Thank you.

The email address below is not published on the EXPO schedule/website, but is used to communicate with you about the conference. If there is an email address pre-filled below that you do not wish to use, please logout of Google/Gmail, then return to this form and you will be able to enter an email address of your choice.) If your abstract is accepted, other information requested on this form will be published on the EXPO schedule and website.
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Email *
First Name
Last Name
Presenter's Published Name (optional)
If you wish your name to appear on the EXPO schedule and website different from the name you provided above, please list that here. For example, you listed First Name = Kelly, Last Name = Doe-Smith but professionally publish as "K. M. Doe" you would write "K. M. Doe" here and that will be the name listed on the EXPO website with your abstract and affiliation information.
Please include Department or Division, City, State or Province, and Country.
This will be listed on the EXPO schedule and website.
Additional Presenters (optional)
Are there additional presenters who will participate in your conference presentation? Please list the following information for each of them:
  • Name (to appear on EXPO schedule and website)
  • Affiliation, including Department or Division, City, State or Province, and Country (to appear on EXPO schedule and website)
  • Email (not published on schedule or website)
Kindly remind your presenters that all participants must register for the conference.
Presentation Title *
Presentation Abstract (Plain text, up to 1500 characters) *
Comments and Questions
We are excited to review your abstract and look forward to seeing you at the EXPO.

If you had any problems with this form, please leave us a comment here.

Also please leave any questions that you need addressed right away. Thank you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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